[BLOG] Jeff Sypherd

“I hate tattoos...” 

Jeff Sypherd & Joon @ Mission Tattoo in Riverside, CA | 05/13/2015

Jeff Sypherd & Joon @ Mission Tattoo in Riverside, CA | 05/13/2015

Not too many people I meet these days and can say they have been genuine since day one. We don't chill everyday, we don't even talk as much as I think but when we do, it feels like we came from the same home.

I met him as Gentle Jeff the rapper, I saw him as an artist from the jump, became a fan and now he is my friend or whatever people call it these days. Found out he did tattoos when I could have sworn he was just a crazy white kid who didn't give a fuck... which he is but he is a cooler person than that. He travels the globe and does tats until he is inspired to make more music, what's fucking cooler than that..... 

Thanks for being you and inspiring me today as well as the sick work!!! 


His Mother has a thing for Giraffes & His Father digs Lions over looking a Usugrow inspired self portrait by Jimmy Caves

His Mother has a thing for Giraffes & His Father digs Lions over looking a Usugrow inspired self portrait by Jimmy Caves

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